Not those youre not a large combatant, but you it must fight the advanced types. That fight was the courtesy of BodogFight.. If that one is the tendency hour -- to fight unranked the types -- it will be much hard one to wave the places. Lultimo opposing of "Fedors it was not a aligned type. Combat 7-5 types is more than a carnival. It would be the much hard not dargli advanced right now." of the point; It is little clearly to who the MIR was referring dallavversario of Emelianenkos lultima time was Choi, Hong-man with unannotazione 12-4 and before that one it was opaque Lindland with unannotazione 20-5. The frank MIR has fought hardly and beat Brock Lesnar to UFC 81. Hour hes that it calls
Fedor Emelianenko outside, implying in unintervista with
CBS Sportsline that lultimo opposing of Fedors is "not a fighter" large;. Nogueira is the advanced combatant advanced nellorganizzazione in the world.
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